Welsh Prose 1300–1425 is a corpus of some 2.8 million words from 54 manuscripts.
This wordlist enables you to search the corpus by selecting the beginnings of words. This can be more flexible than the search facility, especially in the case of variant spellings.
Find words beginning with:
A B C Ch D Dd E F Ff G H I J L Ll M N O P Ph Q R Rh S T Th U V W Y Z Ỻ ỻ ỽ | |
ỻ… | ỻa ỻch ỻe ỻh ỻi ỻo ỻu ỻw ỻy ỻỽ |
ỻy… | ỻych ỻyd ỻyf ỻyg ỻym ỻyn ỻyo ỻyr ỻys ỻyth ỻyu ỻyw ỻyy ỻyỽ |
ỻyw… | ỻywa ỻywe ỻẏwl ỻywo ỻywy |
ỻywe… | ỻywel |
ỻywel… | ỻyweli ỻywely |
ỻywely… | ỻywelyn |
Words starting with ‘ỻywely…’
There is 1 word starting with ỻywely… in NLW MS. 3035 (Mostyn 116).
Note: in this wordlist,
- C & K are considered equivalent, and are represented as C.
- the digraphs Ch, Dd, Ff, Ng, Ll, Ph, Rh, and Th are considered as single characters, and collate after C, D, F, G, L, P, R, and T respectively.
- the ‘middle welsh v’ character ỽ and ‘middle welsh ll’ character ỻ appear as w and ll respectively;
- the character represented by ð in Peniarth 20 appears as dd.