Breudwd Welsh Prose 1300-1425


Welsh Prose 1300–1425 is a corpus of some 2.8 million words from 54 manuscripts.

This wordlist enables you to search the corpus by selecting the beginnings of words. This can be more flexible than the search facility, especially in the case of variant spellings.


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e… Ea  Eb  Ec  Ech  Ed  Edd    Ee  Ef  Eff  Eg  Eh  Ei  Ej  El  Ell  Em  En  Eng  Eo  Ep  Eph  Eq  Er  Erh  Es  Et  Eth  Eu  Ev  Ew  Ex  Ey  Ez  Eỻ  Eỽ 
er… Era  Erb  Erc  Erch  Erd  Ere  Erf  Erg  Eri  Erl  Erll  Erm  Ern  Ero  ErR  Ert  Erth  Eru  Erv  Erw  Ery  Erỻ  Erỽ 
ery… Erya  Eryd  Erye  Eryf  Erẏl  Eryll  Eryn  Eryo  Eryr  Eryth 
eryth… Erythlyn 

Occurrences of ‘erythlyn’

There is 1 occurrence of erythlyn.

Oxford Jesus College MS. 111 (The Red Book of Hergest)  


Note: in this wordlist,