Breudwd Welsh Prose 1300-1425


Welsh Prose 1300–1425 is a corpus of some 2.8 million words from 54 manuscripts.

This wordlist enables you to search the corpus by selecting the beginnings of words. This can be more flexible than the search facility, especially in the case of variant spellings.


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v… Va  Vb  Vc  Vch  Vd  Vdd    Ve  Vf  Vff  Vg  Vi  Vj  Vl  Vll  Vm  Vn  Vng  Vo  Vp  Vr  Vrh  Vs  Vt  Vth  Vu  Vv  Vw  Vy  Vỽ 
vn… Vna  Vnb  Vnc  Vnd  Vne  Vnf  Vnff  Vni  Vnll  Vnm  Vnn  Vno  Vnp  Vnr  Vns  Vnt  Vnu  Vnv  Vnw  Vny  Vnỻ  Vnỽ 
vnt… Vnta  Vntr  Vntu  Vntv 
vntr… Vntre  Vntro 
vntre… Vntrew  Vntreỽ 
vntrew… Vntrewych 

Occurrences of ‘vntrewych’

There is 1 occurrence of vntrewych.

Oxford Jesus College MS. 111 (The Red Book of Hergest)  


Note: in this wordlist,