Breudwd Welsh Prose 1300-1425


Welsh Prose 1300–1425 is a corpus of some 2.8 million words from 54 manuscripts.

This wordlist enables you to search the corpus by selecting the beginnings of words. This can be more flexible than the search facility, especially in the case of variant spellings.


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B… Ba  Bb  Bch  Bd  Be  Bf  Bh  Bi  BJ  Bl  Bll  Bn  Bo  Br  Brh  Bs  Bth  Bu  Bv  Bw  By  Bỽ 
Br… Bra  Brd  Bre  Brg  Bri  Brll  Brn  Bro  Brs  Brt  Brth  Bru  Brv  Brw  Bry  Brỽ 
Bry… Brya  BRyc  Brych  Bryd  Brye  Bryf  Bryg  Bryi  Bryl  Brym  Bryn  Bryo  Bryr  Brys  Bryt  Bryth  Bryu  Bryv  Bryw  Brẏẏ  Brẏỽ 
Brys… Bryss  Brysy 
Bryss… Bryssa  Brysse  Bryssi  Bryssu  Bryssy  Bryssỽ 
Bryssy… Bryssya  Bryssye  Bryssyw  Bryssyỽ 
Bryssya… Bryssyav  Bryssyaw  Bryssyaỽ 
Bryssyaỽ… Bryssyaỽd 

Occurrences of ‘Bryssyaỽd’

There are 5 occurrences of Bryssyaỽd.

NLW MS. Peniarth 18  
NLW MS. Peniarth 46  
Oxford Jesus College MS. 111 (The Red Book of Hergest)  
NLW MS. Peniarth 19  


Note: in this wordlist,