Welsh Prose 1300–1425 is a corpus of some 2.8 million words from 54 manuscripts.
This wordlist enables you to search the corpus by selecting the beginnings of words. This can be more flexible than the search facility, especially in the case of variant spellings.
Find words beginning with:
A B C Ch D Dd ð E F Ff G H I J L Ll M N Ng O P Ph Q R Rh S T Th U V W X Y Z Ỻ ỻ Ỽ ỽ | |
G… | Ga Gc Gd Ge Gg Gh Gi GJ Gl Gll Gn Gng Go Gr Grh Gs Gt Gth Gu Gv Gw Gy Gỽ |
Go… | Goa Gob Goc Goch God Godd Goe Gof Goff Gog Goh Goi Gol Goll Gom Gon Gong Goo Gop Gor Gorh Gos Got Goth Gou Gov Gow Gox Goy Goỻ Goỽ |
Gor… | Gora Gorb Gorc Gorch Gord Gordd Gore Gorf Gorff Gorg Gori Gorl Gorll Gorm Gorn Goro Gorp Gorph Gorr Gors Gort Gorth Goru Gorv Gorw Gory Gorỻ Gorỽ |
Gorch… | Gorcha Gorchch Gorche Gorchg Gorchm Gorchn Gorcho Gorchu Gorchv Gorchy Gorchỽ |
Gorchy… | Gorchyf Gorchyg Gorchym Gorchyn Gorchẏr Gorchyu Gorchyv Gorchyw |
Gorchym… | Gorchymm Gorchymu Gorchymv Gorchymy Gorchymỽ |
Gorchymy… | Gorchymym Gorchymyn |
Gorchymyn… | Gorchymyna Gorchymyne Gorchẏmẏnh Gorchymynn Gorchymyno Gorchymynu Gorchymynw Gorchymyny Gorchymynỽ |
Gorchymynw… | Gorchymynws Gorchymynww Gorchymynwy |
Gorchymynww… | Gorchymynwwyt |
Occurrences of ‘Gorchymynwwyt’
There is 1 occurrence of Gorchymynwwyt.
- NLW MS. Peniarth 7
Note: in this wordlist,
- C & K are considered equivalent, and are represented as C.
- the digraphs Ch, Dd, Ff, Ng, Ll, Ph, Rh, and Th are considered as single characters, and collate after C, D, F, G, L, P, R, and T respectively.
- the ‘middle welsh v’ character ỽ and ‘middle welsh ll’ character ỻ appear as w and ll respectively;
- the character represented by ð in Peniarth 20 appears as dd.