Breudwd Welsh Prose 1300-1425


Welsh Prose 1300–1425 is a corpus of some 2.8 million words from 54 manuscripts.

This wordlist enables you to search the corpus by selecting the beginnings of words. This can be more flexible than the search facility, especially in the case of variant spellings.


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Th… Tha  Thd  The  Thff  Thi  Thl  Thn  Tho  Thr  Tht  Thu  Thv  Thw  Thy  Thỽ 
Thr… Thra  Thre  Thri  Thro  Thrs  Thru  Thrv  Thrw  Thry  Thrỽ 
Thry… Thrya  Thryb  Thryc  Thrych  Thryd  Thryg  Thryl  Thrym  Thrẏs  Thryw  Thryz  Thryỽ 
Thrym… Thryma  Thrymd  Thryme  Thrymh  Thrymy 
Thryma… Thrymach 

Occurrences of ‘Thrymach’

There are 4 occurrences of Thrymach.

NLW MS. Peniarth 11  
NLW MS. Llanstephan 27 (The Red Book of Talgarth)  
NLW MS. Llanstephan 4  


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